Logger GPS – Arduino

Currently, almost all of us use the GPS module in our smartphone. Whether for navigation, saving traveled path, entertainment such as geocaching or in many other situations. In most cases, smartphone is the best option, but sometimes we may need a dedicated solution to save our routes, e.g. during a several-day trip without access to electricity or simply when the battery in our phone is low.

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Uploading Bootloadera on Atmega 328P-PU

Arduino is a very interesting device through which we can build a lot of unusual electronic designs. The cost of original device such as Arduino Uno is about 25$ and even if we decide to buy Chinese substitute rarely wewi;; be able to find anything with price lower than 5$. For many projects this may be already suitable price, but with all the options offered by Arduino Uno we usually only need what gives us a main component which is microcontroller and it’s price and size is not large.

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How to build 4x4x4x Led Cube – Charliecube – Tutorial

Led Cube is a relatively interesting gadget that can surprise many guests. This is a toy consisting of RGB LEDs that can be individually programmed to give a very spectacular visual effects. In this article will be shown how to create such toy yourself using mostly 64 RGB LEDs and a microcontroller.

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How to etch circuit board single and double sided with thermal transfer method

When creating electronic designs often we use the bread board. Nevertheless, we would like that our project would took a more permanent form. In such case we may transfer our project to PCB. Best of all is that everyone can prepare such board at home.

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Binary Clock Arduino Tutorial

Binary clock is a relatively popular gadget among programmers in many stores you can buy a version of alarm clocks or to wear wrist. However, nothing gives more satisfaction than create such a watch yourself. This post will show you how to build your own binary clock using Ardunio and several electronic components.

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