Connecting androida with wordpress – WP Rest Api, oAuth 2.0, Scribe

WordPress is one of the most popular CMS in the world, it is estimated that about 27.5% of the web sites are based on this system. So when creating mobile applications, there is a great chance that we will need to know how to work with WordPress based sites.

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OCR type software in Java

The amount of data processed by machines today is immense. It is estimated that every day is created 2.5 quintillion bits of data such as movies, music, books, documents and other. And while many of these data are generated directly on the computer, we still some times have to extract information from analogue media. Even then, editing such data is not always easy task as with all scanned documents. In this case, OCR software can help us greatly. With a little effort we can create such a software.

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Hibernate ORM – Quick Start

Saving information to database is an extremely important task which almost every more advanced applications need to do. There are many solutions that allow us to achieve this, however still most common is used relational databases with SQL language. One of most popular solutions for web applications written in Java is Hibernate framework.

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Predict4java Tutorial – Satellite position in real time

Did you watched sometimes night sky and was wondering what are points seen above you and perhaps you used once application which indicated the positions of the different constellations or other objects? Maybe you would like to create your own applications showing the location of satellites on the sky? If so, this article may interest you.

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Card and Board Games

It is possible that many of you are playing card and board games esspecialy that such games have recently becoming popular again. Unfortunately, these games always have one flaw which is fac that not always we have somebody to play with. And although game among friends gives the most fun there are some interesting computer alternatives. One of most interestings are OCTGN and Vassal Engine.

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LibGDX introduction Tutorial

Certainly while learning programming, you not once thought of creation a video game. For many, this is often the reason why they become interested in programming. There are now many framworków and libraries to help us create a fully functional games. Personally, some time ago I became interested in Libgdx.

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Openshift tutorial – How to Start

Probably not once after creating Web application you would like to put it on a remote server. Personally, I like to use for this services of openshift (httpss:// in the case of the free version it allows registrations of 3 projects and supports such containers as Tomcat, Jboss or WildFly and there is no problem to hook up a database. For larger projects there is a paid version of these services. Unfortunately the service may at first seem quite complicated but in this may help present tutorial.

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WordPress Video Lightbox Plugin