WordPress is one of the most popular CMS in the world, it is estimated that about 27.5% of the web sites are based on this system. So when creating mobile applications, there is a great chance that we will need to know how to work with WordPress based sites.
Connecting Android with external server (Java Servlet + XML)
Combining mobile application with an external server is often important part for many services, so in this tutorial will be presented how such connection can be created using the basic functions of an android, Java servlets, and XML.
WatchCat – remotly catching errors in Android
This time little shorter Entry for a simple but extremely useful application which is WatchCat. Probably not once happened to you that during programming mobile aplication you got informations from users that something does not work in your aplication even though on emulators and on private devices everything is looking great.
Push Notification – Infobip Push – Tutorial
Push notifications are a popular form of informing users about new products, promotions, offers, and any messages which we would like to convey to our customers. Their implementation isint easiest thing but we can make it in quicj time if we use platforms such as infobip push.
LibGDX introduction Tutorial
Certainly while learning programming, you not once thought of creation a video game. For many, this is often the reason why they become interested in programming. There are now many framworków and libraries to help us create a fully functional games. Personally, some time ago I became interested in Libgdx.